GNOME Project Organogram

Hi all,

My name is Vicente, I'm a MsC candidate in Administration at Federal
University of Bahia (Brazil) and I try to help the brazilian l10n team
by commiting translations too.

I've been working in a research about the GNOME Project with Lucas
Rocha [1] . However, while he has been aproaching in the GNOME
Communication and tools, I've been focusing in the Projetc
organization structure and  in the community hacker/gift culture as

As I needed to know - deep inside - how this community has organized
itself and I didn't find a GNOME organogram (like a organization), I
builded some from  researsh results...;filename=OrganogramaGNOME2.4_.png

So, for me, it's important to know  how does the communty like this
organogram. I appreciate any help from you. ;-)


Vicente Aguiar :-)


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