Re: Marketing & promotion - Cheat sheets, LiveCDs, community calendar

Hi Paul,

Paul Cutler wrote:
Dave - your email has got me all fired up to help, and couldn't have
come at a better time as I've been trying to figure out what project to
help out, and where to start.  I've lurked on this list for a very long
time, and really want to give back.

Great! Allow me to assist you :)

    * Looking at:
      <> lists some
      presentations at 
      -- The last presentation uploaded is from 2004.   Anyone have some
      presentations they've done on GNOME since then?  I'll volunteer to
      sort, upload, link on the wiki, etc.

We would need to have someone chase down people like Luis Villa, Jeff
Waugh, myself and others who have given presentations over the last
three lears - a good place to start is the archives of FOSDEM, LCA,
GUADEC, OLF, SCALE and any other conferences you can think of.

I have one I have given a couple of times, and will be giving again in
the GNOME devroom at GUADEC. Not specifically GNOME, but definitely
GNOME related.

    * If we can get some newer presentations, I'll start to integrate
      with the idea for GNOME user groups, how to give presentations, etc. 


    * LiveCD: According to this wiki page ( it says:  "It is not a
      target to do an official version for GNOME 2.18".  If we do:

I think this is more a manpower issue than anything else. Any time you
read "we are not planning to..." anywhere on GNOME's web pages, you
should probably read "we would love someone to volunteer to do thhis,
otherwise it's not going to get done".

    * LiveCD:  I think that's a great idea.  I've been reading through
      the documentation for customizing an Ubuntu LiveCD at --
      I'm going to need some help on this one. is a HOWTO on what Luis and others did
to make the GNOME 2.12 LiveCD.

 That wiki page was
      written for Ubuntu 6.06 / Dapper, and if we choose to use Ubuntu,
      do we want to update an Edgy LiveCD or customize a Feisty LiveCD,
      which already has 2.17.91 and should have 2.17.2 soon.  I was also
      looking at Reconstructor ( 
      I believe looking through the Wiki, that Luis Villa led the last
      LiveCD created for 2.12 - Luis, if you have any pointers or advice
      to share on how that process, I'd love to hear them.. 

I think probably customising Feisty pre-releases is the way to go. But
if you choose to accept this mission, the decision will be yours :)


Dave Neary
dneary free fr

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