Re: 2006 Members Choice Awards

On 2/19/07, John Williams <john williams lists gmail com> wrote:

Around 1,000 is sufficient if all we want to do is compare
two or three percentages (e.g. GNOME, KDE, Windows) with a margin of
error of around +/- 3% at the 95% confidence level.

problem is that our market share (and maybe even the entire gnu/linux
market share) is probably around that 3% margin, so we'd be talking
about a 100% error margin.

The hard part is getting the sampling frame right.  It basically
consists of sending invitations to participate to people such that every
computer user, regardless of which OS or DE they use, has an equal
chance of receiving the invitation.  If you can come up with a way of
doing that I, for one, am all ears.

what about (us) giving away pamphlets in the streets of a few dozen
cities?  sounds a little too simple, but could work... how many times
were you stopped (in a very similar way) for some kind of survey?

problem is that these kinds of surveys would be biased towards people
who care about answering them = people who care too much about their
computers = above-average technically skilled/interested people =
people who are more likely to run gnu/linux.

Santiago Roza
santiagoroza gmail com

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