"He didn't have a preference when it came to Linux distributions so he
tested a number of them. The SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) stood out
for Giroux. It came with the GNOME desktop, which he regards as faster than
most, Firefox, which is the company's preferred browser, and the Citrix
client built-in."

"Whitelaw's rollout took one weekend and users were able to adapt to Linux
using only a one-page instructional handout, says Giroux. He adds that the
change to Linux has reduced desktop maintenance by 20 per cent, 'and that's
a conservative number'."

- Jeff

Open Source in Mobile 2007: Madrid, Spain
   "I love 2001. Especially the beginning with the proto-humans screaming
    at each other and beating each other to death with rocks and bones.
      That very neatly encapsulates my whole concept of interpersonal
                     relationships." - Branden Robinson

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