Re: Linux Magazine Guadec ad

Hi, Andres!

On Fri, 27 Apr 2007 10:51:13 +0200
Andreas Nilsson <nisses mail home se> wrote:

Hi all!
Here is the ad we're going to print in Linux Magazine.
Feedback is welcome! [...]
This is a rather flat design when compared to what you do usually. Is
there going to be some more changes? Very cool nevertheless.

Some points maybe worth mentioning:

First, the headline is a good start. However, it generates no real
value: Nobody is is going to travel large distances *just* to find out
about GNOME's future. An brief artiticle in a magazine does the job,
too, and bears no travel expenses. Additionally, if nobody's going
to listen to your opinion, would you *really* bother?

Second, the text misses an opportunity to make some advertising for
GNOME. Additionally, it excludes potential visitors, namely
those who wouldn't consider themselves "GNOME community members" yet.
Also, it adds nothing new. Readers are usually not *that* clueless.
They don't need an explanation that the answer to a rhetorical
question is the advertised conference. In fact, they are not that
interested at all.

Third, as a page in the Linux magazine, the text will be read by a
rather broad audience I guess. Thus, only a minority of their readers
will recognize the names of the keynote speakers. And names
present no benefit. Thus -- unless there's space to include the topics
of the keynotes --, I suggest to drop the names completely.

Forth, I'd center the date and place to give it more prominence.

Fifth, you didn't forget the action item. Good. Unfortunately, due to
the color people will probably place it close to the upper paragraph and
miss them. Insert black text in between or use a different color.

Sixth, what about a conference fee? If it's free to attend, we should
say so. I remember some problems about this in the past. If not, we
should say so, too.

Seventh, if there's some deadline to watch out for, we should include
that, too. Say: "Sign up until June, the 31th, and receive a teddy bear
FOR FREE!" Stuff like that.

I uploaded an attachment to my page so you can have
a look. It's a "hack" but maybe easier than long explanations. 


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