Re: [guadec-list] Linux Magazine Guadec ad

Hi Andreas,

----- "Andreas Nilsson" <nisses mail home se> wrote:
Hi all!
Here is the ad we're going to print in Linux Magazine.
Feedback is welcome! (and please point out any grammar errors, my
language is BorkBorkBork you know...;) )

Thanks for this, it's a great start;

* Doc Searls will also be keynoting as well as Havoc Pennington and Bryan Clark

* Stormy Peters doesn't work for HP anymore. Also I don't think we need include people's employers - we don't 
invite them because of who they work for but rather what they work on.

* To my eyes the names of keynote speakers in orange next to black text de-emphasis that text (i.e. the black 
stuff stands out over the orange), whereas it's those names we want to stand out. (This could just be my 
wonky eyes though)

* HP and Sun are Gold sponsors and so should be at same size / level as LF and maemo (Bastien, you might want 
to point out to whomever at RH that we're about to go to print and if they want the RH logo in there 
somewhere they'd better decide whether to sponsor or not).

That's all I can think for now,


- Andreas
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