Re: Starting Chicago Gnome User Group

On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 17:04 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
In that area, you have (correct me if I'm wrong) the following major cities:
Des Moines

That's 6 major urban areas - I imagine that each of those has their own
LUG, and that from each of those you can get 2 or 3 people who are into
GNOME. Add in Shawn McCance in Champaign, you in Pittsburgh (you'd be on
the list, wouldn't you?) and a few others scattered around the lakes,
and you have the makings of a good group.

Note that, because of the university here, you could
probably find a lot of users in Champaign, even though
it's not a very big city.  The same is likely true of
some other university towns, like Madison, Wisconsin;
Ann Arbor, Michigan; and West Lafayette, Indiana.

I think what you need is a person on the ground in
each of these cities to find people and get them
involved.  Each city will end up having its own
group that meets with each other more frequently,
but that doesn't preclude you from having some
midwest-wide meetings where the individual city
groups meet up with each other.

It'd be like a Lindy exchange, except slightly
geekier.  :)


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