Re: About The GNOME Mobile & Embedded Initative

On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 12:24 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 11:19 +0100, Alex Hudson wrote:
I think release notes are great for existing users; I don't think they
pull in many new users, and my point was really more about the latter I
guess: I think it should be a function of the marketing team to help
create buzz about GNOME releases, and show people what they're missing
when they're not using it. 
Yes (no need for people to point out that selling ==
!=, sorry.

 marketing. It's
still a useful job to do.). That's why I'd like people to work on the
GNOME Tour, which I started but never finished. It's also in the
gnomeweb-wml module.

Actually, I think some people may have done some work on this for the
new website, so that might be the best place to contribute to this. Can
someone confirm?
Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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