Re: LWE stand organisation

No objections from me. Selling them does have two or three benefits, though:

1. People feel like they're supporting GNOME
2. People who pay for a LiveCD are more likely to use it
3. Recuping costs is good.


Ken VanDine wrote:
Why sell the CDs, just to recoup the costs?  rPath's marketing folks
has offered to pay to have 1000 CDs made up, with the GNOME artwork
for us to give away for free.  Only request is to include a small
"built by rPath" type logo on it.  Any objections?  They are also the
same folks paying my way to manage the GNOME booth :)


On 4/14/07, Luis Villa <luis tieguy org> wrote:
On 4/14/07, Ken VanDine <ken vandine org> wrote:
rPath always has a booth, and we have noticed a major slowdown the
past couple shows.  Not only Boston, by SF was slower too.  We will
just hope this year is better :-D

I was actually surprised to see you guys at the last one I went to.

FWIW, I sold 123 of the liveCDs at $5/pop. There was a very slight
profit (about $200), which I think ended up getting used to buy a
round of beer at Summit.


On 4/14/07, Luis Villa <luis tieguy org> wrote:
[cc'ing marketing-list instead of board.]

On 4/14/07, Ken VanDine <ken vandine org> wrote:
I am very pleased to do it, I will email the marketing list to look
for volunteers to help.  But if anyone here would be interested in
helping or can help find volunteers, that would be great.

Does anyone have details from previous LWEs?  Like number of
to the booth?  How many LiveCDs were given out?  Anything else

In past years, several thousand booth visitors; I don't recall how
many liveCDs I sold two years ago, but 'a lot'- a couple hundred,
IIRC? I can try to look it up sometime later- not today, though.

Note, though, that LWE is a wounded beast, AFAICT; floor traffic was
down substantially during the second year in Boston, and I imagine
same is true in San Fran. So my numbers may not be as valid anymore.


Dave Neary
dneary free fr

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