Re: GnomeWeb 2.18 release cycle

Our milestones for the GnomeWeb 2.18 release cycle are now approved,
since nobody objected. They are at ("2.18 release

The first milestone is October 4th, when all the core planning documents
will be reviewed and approved. The 2.18 development will refer to them
and we won't introduce major changes until the next release.

The next milestone is the first filter for developments willing to get
in the GnomeWeb 2.18 release: end of new goals proposal period. If you
want a subproject or feature released on March (e.g. GNOME Products,
common news gateway etc) it will need to have a wiki page linked at ("2.18 goals") with at least a
broad description AND someone responsible of completing the goal.

Quim Gil /// |

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