Re: GNOME 2.16 release notes


and thanks very much! :-)

Just a few notes:

 * There's no need to have a installation page. The index page of will list ways to install 
   2.16 and this is also where most people expect it.

   (And, in fact, we should move the installation paragraphs before
   the release notes paragraph: Right now, people click on download so
   we should present 'downloads' first. I can make the index page if

 * We don't need no seperate 'getting involved' page: Many people will
   understand that this is our equivalent of a "Please donate" request,
   and don't open the page.
   We can make a paragraph in the 'Looking forward' page. A first
   draft is available in the wiki:

 * The name 'frontpromo' was meant to be internal. Would it be too much
   work to rename the page? Please? Maybe 'frontpage' or 'index',
   whatever. Just not 'promo'.

 * The roadmap page seems to be a copy of the features page. Maybe it
   should be removed as well?

I assume you can help us here, too? If you're too busy doing other
things, please let us know.

Btw, I try to get all the missing images (figures) together.


On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 23:02:29 -0600
Brent Smith <gnome nextreality net> wrote:

Claus Schwarm wrote:
On Fri, 1 Sep 2006 08:51:33 +0200
Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:

It should go in the gnomeweb-wml module in (or maybe directly in, Claus?). You can look at the 2.14
directory to get an idea of how it was done before.


the correct adress for the notes from the wiki is probably

with a copy of


serving as a base directory for 2.16 with all the makefile stuff,
etc. This also contains the index page.


Hi, preliminary version is checked in to CVS.  Figures still need to
be added, and probably lots of editing and so forth need to be done
before we let translators loose on the document.


Brent Smith <gnome nextreality net>
IRC: smitten

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