[Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals]

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Last Wednesday was the end of the new goals proposal period. What a
coincidence, we have 18 GnomeWeb goals for the 2.18 release - 
http://live.gnome.org/GnomeWeb/Goals :

  * Choose a CMS for www.gnome.org (GergelyNagy) -
GnomeWeb/CmsRequirements . Greg seems idle. If we have no response by
Monday we will meed to find a Plan B.
      * wgo Look&Feel (MairinDuffy) - GnomeWeb/LooknFeel . Máirín has
        been working a lot on http://live.gnome.org/BrandGuidelines and
        I hope she will find time soon to continue and finish her
        (excellent) work.
      * wgo Products (SimonRozet) - GnomeWeb/GnomeProducts . He would
        love to start coding. He is stuck with some i18n problems. I
        think he needs still more planning, though.  :)
      * news.gnome.org (MichaelMaclean) - GnomeWeb/NewsGateway . He will
        go ahead with this, although we still need to see what is ngo
        after the NewWgoStructure.
      * library.gnome.org (GoranRakic) - GnomeWeb/Library . He has done
        a lot of work and he is ready to continue following the GnomeWeb
      * developer.gnome.org - GnomeWeb/DeveloperGnomeOrg (QuimGil) .
        There is a broad plan kind of agreed that will be executed as
        the release cycle evolves.
      * GnomeWeb/GnomeStore (QuimGil) . Let's see if we get the first
        merchandising products sold on wgo by 2.18.
      * GnomeWeb/GoalWebChatInterface (ThiloPfennig) . The only
        "external" idea/goal that has done the first step of the 2.18
        development timeline.

Still missing wiki page AND/OR coordinator 

      * CMS setup . Of course this depends on the CMS selected. I tend
        to think that an important element of the selection will be to
        have a person or better a team happy to implement and custom CMS
        X to satisfy all the wgo needs. There is no point choosing the
        CMS of our dreams if we don't have anybody able to set it up.

      * wgo Take the Tour (Martin Jeppesen) 
      * wgo Success Stories - GnomeWeb/CaseStudies
      * wgo Get Started 
      * wgo Get Involved 
      * wgo About

Hopefully Joachim confirms and takes some of these wgo sections. We need
to continue there the work started at the NewWgoStructure and the
UseCases. For the CaseStudies I think we can start by digging the GNOME
Journal archives, and I wish someone from the GJ would pick the
coordination of that section.
      * projects.gnome.org - GnomeWeb/ProjectsPages . I want to update
        this page and see if we find a 2.18 solution that satisfies
      * support.gnome.org . Hopefully Luke will want to take on this.
      * community.gnome.org . Hopefully a "GNOME is people" fan will
        want to take on this.
      * 2.18 release notes integrated in marketing strategy. Last but no
        least. Anyone?

All these goals need to have a planning draft completed by November 8th,
our next milestone. Goals dropped today to the next release cycle like
the wgo i18n or the web-based CRM can still get on track if they match
this deadline. Otherwise they will be on their own.

Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://pinguino.tv

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