Re: The way forward

<quote who="Corey Burger">

So for 2.16 I propose that we do away with the community annoucement.  It
only serves to confuse. To me, community annoucements come on people's
blogs and Planet GNOME, not to annouce lists.

Disagree. It's worth having an announcement in our own voice (even though we
used the same voice as last release). We should definitely put a link to the
press release in the community announcement. Keep in mind that the press
release follows a very different course to the community announcement (going
to journalists, on the wire, etc).

Also for 2.16, we need a better landing page off the press release.
/start/ should be the release notes for the latest stable. Currently to
find the release notes requires three clicks of text. Not many are going
to brave that jungle.

If the link in the press release was not /start/2.14/ then the wrong link
was used. We should certainly make /start/ significantly better, but see the
html comment at the very top of that page for what it should be. That is far
more useful than a redirect to the stable version page (though /start/ would
definitely link to it, more prominently than it does now).

- Jeff

GUADEC 2006: Vilanova i la GeltrĂș, Spain  
   "I came for the quality, but I stayed for the freedom." - Sean Neakums

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