Re: Press releases

<quote who="Corey Burger">

As for journalists wanting more information, I mentioned we have excellent
release notes.

I think that's the better way to go. Better, focused resources that press
release regurgitation.

I also mentioned in my first mail that I excluded the About Gnome stuff on
the mail because it doesn't really much change from release to release.
Any final press release would have that included. Maybe I didn't
communicate that clearly.

Makes more sense now. ;-)

Regardless, as I mentioned before, I will work on this more this weekend
and get a complete press release, including the About Gnome and Contact

Cool - might be worth doing a compare/contrast/refactor if the About GNOME
stuff is better than, or complements, too. By the way,
"GNOME". :-)

Thanks, looks good.

- Jeff

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