Re: making live CDs for EclipseCon

On 3/6/06, Ben Konrath <ben bagu org> wrote:
On Wed, 01 Mar 2006 20:55:03 -0500, Luis Villa wrote:

[I'd definitely suggest adding java-gnome:

as well.]
Yeah, that was my plan. I'm going to add the java-gnome eclipse plugin
that I hacked up too.

Anyway, the CDs that were handed out at GUADEC last year were kinda
slick because they had a nice pretty graphic. Does anybody know how they
were made or where the graphic came from?
Hrm. Not sure how the GUADEC liveCD images were made; I'm guessing
they were expensive (because of the color); inkscape plus some tracing
made for a nice-looking and cheap liveCD for LWE Boston last year.
Did you burn them and print the image with an inkjet printer yourself or
did you use a duplication service?
I used a local duplication service, which cost a dollar or two a CD,
and sold the CDs for five bucks. We came in just over break even,
though that was at LWE, a much bigger conference than eclipsecon, as
far as I know. There was some left over money that could be used for
something like this, though not much.


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