Re: wgo revamp timeline (proposal)

Hi :o)

About Drupal vs MediaWiki vs etc, there is not much point discussing
tools before agreeing requirements. By July 17th Greg Nagy needs to come
up with a list of requirements for the wgo platform (CMS). Help him with
the requirements if you want to help selecting the most appropriate

That seems to make sense. Anyone know if there is there a place to discuss
this, such as a wiki page, or should we contact mister Nagy by mail ?

If you can't stop discussing the CMS to be chosen anyways, don't forget
that after long debates Drupal is still the fittest candidate. If you
think Tool X is better please explain why, the more detailed your
comments are the most useful they will be.

Sorry, but I just can't help myself :) I'd just like to mention Django [1],
it seems a rather elegant solution. I'll post an argumentation as to it's
advantages as soon as I get time, but while waiting I just wanted
people to know it existed.

That said, I cannot know yet if Django would meet the requirements.

Love, Karderio


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