Re: Simple Idea for Gnome Journal


An initial basic set of questions (most of them from the KDE one):

Comments? Suggestion? Please send them 'now' because I need to send it
to our first guest, Jeff. The deadline is tomorrow.  :-)

p az


2006/1/31, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com>:
Excellent!  Go for it.


On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 09:59:54AM -0300, Lucas Rocha wrote:
Hi Thilo,

Well, I think there are quite a lot interviews out there. I would
suggest if we want to make something different :-) that we interview
more users. A question of focus. Nonetheless we should take everything
that is good. ;-) Not that I am not interested in interviews of
interesting people OSNews does a lot of them ( )
Well, my idea was to make interviews which informarly present the
GNOME contributors online. Not an interview to get *only* "deep"
positionings about where GNOME project should go. IMHO, this is why
the KDE initiative is so nice, they interview the "common"
contributors with personal and project related questions.

I had a fast chat with Jim on IRC and we agreed to begin this GJ
interview section with a well known GNOME person, like Jeff Waugh, to
get an initial attention from the readers.

What do you all think?

p eace

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