Re: would be glad to work with FootNotes or anyone else in the
community to merge resources to accomplish more for GNOME. really isn't intended to be simply a news source -- for
the content that is on there currently, it's primarily just notices of the
major stable/development releases, and not news of when a package apart of
the GNOME project is updated or anything of that nature. The primary focus
is with promoting GNOME through marketing, etc... as basically an
organizational resource.

So I believe the intentions of both sites are slightly different, but I
would be open to working with anybody to help spread GNOME. And yes, I
have been on the GNOME marketing list for a while.

~ Michael


I like the idea of promoting speakers -- provided you find people
willing to get promoted. ;-)

However, while thinking about a few more notes I started wondering
what we should do with footnotes? After all, you seem to have a rather
similar news feed and footnotes is already slow on news sometimes --
which is of course also due to the fact that it'd need some more people
as editors.

However, with two sites, we will just split our resources again.

Funny enought, there are two things that I've always wanted for
a spreadGNOME site:

  * An events calender similar to the one used by

  * The ability to generate different banners on the fly and record
    the success of the different designs and slogans.

Until today, I never had the idea to ask whether footnotes is able to
do that -- shame on me. Why shouldn't footnotes be able to promote
speakers as well?

So, my basic questions is: Is it useful to have two sites with nearly
similar capabilities and goals ?


P.S.: I'm not sure whether you're on this list already, thus the cc.

On Wed, 23 Aug 2006 08:22:05 -0500 (CDT)
michael phoronix com wrote:


I am Michael Larabel the owner of Phoronix Networks (and long-time
GNOME user). is basically meant to be a
community-driven ad-free independent project for promoting GNOME to
both existing Linux users and potential converts. At this point the
site has a mini calendar, news feeds, commenting system, etc... It's
using a custom Phoronix CMS system under the hood, and can basically
handle any other valid features that users might request.

It's been a project in our minds since May/June of this year, and
working in the available spare time, it's finally ready to launch on
the same date as the GNOME 2.16 RC release. As is apparent from the
site, at this point it basically lacks content (graphics, marketing
tags, and other text) but now that this community site is live users
will hopefully begin to contribute. Anyone is also free to voice
their opinion on what direction they would like to see the site
headed, etc...

One of the hopes David Nielsen had for SpreadGNOME was: “My main idea
with spreadGNOME would be a centralized place where people who liked
GNOME or wanted to know more about GNOME could get together,
primarily the idea was to connect speakers with communities that
wanted to learn about GNU/Linux and GNOME as well as provide helpful
material to upcoming speakers to help them present GNOME to it's
fullest. I think there's a fundamental lack of this kind of
information out there and if we have a horde of people around the
world willing to do some advocacy and knock on a few doors to get
speaking slots at first - then we could really serve the cause.”,
which would be a terrific item to address once more material is
available. Others in the GNOME community have voiced their opinion as

Michael Larabel

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