El dg 20 de 08 del 2006 a les 03:47 +0200, en/na Sigurd Gartmann va escriure:
http://live.gnome.org/GnomeWeb/WebPolicies Please comment and propose changes to the policies.
Good and useful draft. Congratulations! I have added some comments at the bottom of the page.
I hope that the three days given by the timeline will be sufficient.
I guess they are enough to raise the biggest caveats. You decide what to do with the suggestions received during this period. If a suggestion is clear or clear-not, you add it or you dismiss it. Controversial or unclear suggestions can be discussed deeper and be included or not in following versions. After the revision deadline we have a v1.0, and then we all can take our time to get a better v1.1. This v1.0 is what the rest of dependent processes need to be completed and compliant with the policies. Same thing happens with most of the other planning documents to be released. 2-3 days is not enough to get a perfect revision, but they are enough to get a decent v1.0. If somebody is really interested and needs more time, she can subscribe to the wiki page, follow changes since the earliest stages and contribute from that point. -- Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org
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