Re: Summit on

On Sat, 2005-09-24 at 10:34 +0200, David Neary wrote:
Can we try an experiment?

Rather than the standard (rather sterile) press wire release, can we 
make something a lottle less formal, and use word-of-mouth? Have it on 
the website as an announcement, and send it around as an e-mail (which 
means it'll have to be a bit lighter than usual, and actually look like 
someone wrote it as an e-mail).

Just an idea, and since the summit (being a developers meeting) has very 
little mainstream press appeal, perhaps it's a good time to start 
playing with how we do communication.


So, do you mean something similar to how Google announces new products
on its Blog? I am personally not for putting it out on the wire as it
would could $300 to $400. Not sure if they have a lower rate for

What's the deadline for this and do we have a list of select few
reporters we want to send this out to?


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