Re: Revamped

Hugh Buzacott wrote:
I am still pushing for a new so I created a mock-up.
Oh Goody...

The mock-up is at and is only a front
page but has links to the rest of normal through the header.
It is just a suggestion so if you have any ideas and so forth just send
Looks nice, smooth, bright and so very GNOME-y. However,

[1] Would it help having smarter, richer, tighter, smoother in one line ?

[2] Anti-aliasing and hardware integration are not really very
touchy-feely tangible thing for the GNOME using grandma - can we ensure
that we have something a bit more apt ?

Good work and I love that *love* message.



You see things; and you say 'Why?';
But I dream things that never were;
and I say 'Why not?' - George Bernard Shaw

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