Re: Mass Deployment of GNOME in schools in Macedonia

Most of the info I got out from the interview was more in general about
their project and organization, etc etc... The guy wasn't really the
average GNOME user but I think he gave me enough to write about.

It's a short one. Would be glad to see some critics.


Looks good. I have attached an OpenOffice copy with some edits and
suggestions. The edits and rewrites are in a different font color while
questions are in brackets with the same (black) font.

Couple of other suggestions. You need some flavor and answer couple of
questions in the text before your Q&A. The flavor: Where is Macedonia,
how big it is in terms of populations, per capita GDP, and why do we say
that nothing happens there. A good way to say it would be something like
this: "While China's GDP has increased on an average by xx% in the past
10 years, Macedonia has trailed at xx%."

Questions you need to answer: Why Warty and why open source. Feel free
to post again and I can look at it over the weekend.



Attachment: GNOME -- Macedonia.sxw
Description: OpenOffice Writer document

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