Re: Norwegian LiveCD

On 5/22/05, Terance Edward Sola <terance lyse net> wrote:
Luis said ( drop by the marketing
list if you wanted a liveCD in your language. I would be interested in
making a Norwegian one. What does it take to do so? Which tools do I
need to be familiar with etc. ?

Hi, Terance!

Marcus Bauer* has gotten it down to a pretty fine art- at this point,
he needs mostly a splash screen in the language, a couple strings of
text, and that's about it.

You can also try your hand at translating some of the materials in:


We don't have a formal mechanism for translating these yet; if you or
anyone on the norwegian translation team wants to help out with
suggestions on that, please let me know!

Hope this helps- Marcus I'm sure will have more details soon-

*(cc'd, not sure if he's on the list or not, Marcus, kick me if you are)

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