Re: GNOME Success Story

Am Mittwoch, den 29.06.2005, 18:23 +0200 schrieb Murray Cumming:
CCing marketing-list about this immigrant/refugee-support center in

Thanks Ralph, that's the kind of thing I'll be looking for: advantages
and experience for the admins and the users, and details about that.
You've already given me lots, and I'll try to fill it out when I visit
you. How about Wednesday 6th July, approx 14:00?
That would suit me fine, it's just that I cannot promise you
that there will be many users then, as Wednesday is our "Girls Day"
and unfortunately we've got a lot less female users than male ones.
See our opening hours:
Our office is normally open from about 10.00 AM.

I'll also try to talk to the users so I can describe some of the things
they do. In this case, communication and presentation will obviously be
important themes. And I wonder if you offer the UI in various languages,
or encourage only the use of German?
Unfortunately much too little. It's often far too easy to talk to people
in English, especially when many asylum seekers speak English as a first
or second language, but almost no German. BTW concerning the user
interface localisation, better support for Arabic in Gnome would
probably be the most important thing for our current users, even
though Gnome has come a long way since we started (with Gnome 1.x
IIRC, Arabic and Cyrillic was basically unusable then).

If you still have slides/notes for your LinuxTage Linz presentation,
that might be useful, but I'm more interested in the big picture than in
the technical details. However, I'd be happy to help you provide
feedback about technical stuff.
I'll look through our photo archives, maybe there is something in there
that could be helpful. We've got our weekly meeting on Monday, I am
certain we will be able to compile useful materials until next week.


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