Re: [Fwd: GUADEC7 press release draft]

On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 13:34:02 +0200
Quim Gil <qgil interactors coop> wrote:

I don't think, any German would favour Munich (Bavaria - Germany).
Ok, that was a bad example then. Barcelona (Catalonia - Spain) is
frequently used down here precisely to avoid arguments.

should GNOME fans in Extremedura, for example, say about such a
This "distinction" is one of the big issues in Spain since ages, you
will find a wide range of opinions everywhere, Extremadura and
Barcelona included. Hint: you don't want to get involved in this

Some would write Barcelona (Spain), some Barcelona (Catalonia).
Because the GUADEC is no related to regional politics at all, we
recommend to put both or none.

Thx for the explanation. :-)

I didn't want to argue about it; just understand what we're doing, and
why we're doing it.

"to Barcelona (Catalonia - Spain)." instead of "to Barcelona, Spain"


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