Re: Permission to incorporate the gnome logo into ours

On Wed, 2005-06-15 at 16:57 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
Hi Mark,

I've forwarded your request to the board, which is where all such 
requests get approved.


I run WorkZoo, a job search engine. We're going to be launching a job 
search dedicated to jobs in open source technologies very soon. I'd like 
permission to incorporate the Gnome footprint into our logo. I'd be 
happy to include a message in the footer that gives credit to 
as owner of the logo. We have a great design house working on the logo 
for our search, so it will be 'tastefully done'.

If this list isn't the proper forum for this message, please let me know 
who I should contact.

Hi Mark,

This was discussed some on the board mailing list, and there was a
general consensus that we don't consider this an appropriate use
of the GNOME logo.

The GNOME logo is a trademark of the GNOME foundation, and in order
to protect that trademark we need to take a fairly restrictive stance 
on the usage of the logo.

We generally don't allow the GNOME logo to be used for commercial
purposes, other than as part of the software that we create, and
we don't allow the GNOME logo to be modified or combined with
other logos.

Sorry we can't help you here,

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