Re: Website work

Jeff Waugh wrote:

<quote who="James Henstridge">


There have been a few discussions about improvements to the website on
this list, however not many of them have resulted in the changes getting
rolled out.

One of the proposals that was discussed was making the various developer
websites feel more coherent with some shared navigation.  This got as
far as a mockup I put together:

I'm going to set up a shared module for the websites, so we can have common
css, images, etc. Once that is ready, shifting things over to the new style,
particularly between all the developer sites, will be much simpler.

Okay.  I was thinking it would be a good idea to have all the various
Gnome websites pulling these common files from a single set of URLs
rather than having a copy of them on each website.  It would make
changes like the recent logo change a lot easier.

I also brought up redoing the wiki's skin to address some of the
discoverability problems with the current skin.  This work is here:

This stalled because I did the skin for moin 1.3, so
would need to be migrated to that version before it could be used (the
migration doesn't look like it should be too difficult, but it isn't
something I can test due to the file permissions).

I've done some test runs locally; I'll do it on the live site soon.

Sounds great!


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