Re: Wiki best practices

<quote who="Dave Neary">

This is a very useful way to identify grouped pages with a namespace, and
it's particularly useful if a great number of disparate groups are sharing
the same wiki (as is our case).

However, going beyong 2 levels is ususally not a good idea, and going to 4
is definitely a bad idea.

I would like to have the time to clean up the wiki in the near future, but
realistically, until August I'm in maintenance mode. If someone wanted to
take up the charge in the meantime, that would be great.

Thanks for bringing this up, it has been annoying the hell out of me, too.
Please everyone, *only use namespacing when namespacing is required*!



could move to

or even

and it would be linked to from

Even better, just use "EventBox", because it doesn't need to be namespaced
away. Namespacing what the hierarchy is for, not for general organisation.

Our wiki has gotten to the stage where linking to deep pages (and
handling the wiki text with lots of "../../../"s) has gotten more
complicated than the benefit of the hierarchy.

Strongly agree. It is totally unnecessary.

- Jeff

GNOME Summit 2005: October 8th-10th
   "People who paid for bug fixes in the 3c501 driver also bought MacIIfx
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