Re: Friends-of-GNOME database [Re: Modifying GNOME-About to count users]

On 7/12/05, Owen Taylor <otaylor redhat com> wrote:
On Tue, 2005-07-12 at 15:57 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:

While I don't know much about Drupal, it doesn't seem very related to
this sort of "customer database".

Drupal was brought up because some non-profits in the political space
with a very, very similar set of requirements are writing a set of
drupal plugins (called civicspace) to meet these requirements.
Reinventing the wheel when people with way more experience than we
have are already providing open code to solve our problems seems
silly, though I've not yet tried to install their stuff and can't
speak to the robustness of it.

Are we specifically talking about the "contacts" module

It looks rather simplistic, though perhaps that's a docs gap instead
of a functionality gap.

I was talking more about:


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