Re: Wiki updates


Claus Schwarm wrote:
David Neary <bolsh gimp org> wrote:
There was another question that came up too. I thought it would
be a good idea to have lots of poster designs, perhaps split into
families targetting different groups (LUGs, government,
companies) and print as required. I didn't think that say 12
poster ideas would be too many. Does this sound like a reasonable
way to go?

I don't think so. Consistency is one of the most central requirements of
every sucessful promotion. People have better things to do as watching
our material - their attention is low, in general. If a layout can't be
adapted for all potential media (web and paper in our case), even beauty
won't help.

However, this does not mean that everything should look identical. Think
of Marlboro as an example: Lots of different images and texts over the
years, but a consistent style you can recognize immediately.

This is what I meant - consistency, with a central message, and a
small graphics team working on communicating the ideas we come up
with in a consistent manner, but with lots of different content,
rather than just 2 or 3 posters.


        David Neary,
        Lyon, France
   E-Mail: bolsh gimp org

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