ISVs supporting 'GNOME' standards [Was: GNOME in Government]

<quote who="Jeff Waugh">

Anyone have pointers to GNOME in Government success stories? There's the
Largo, Florida gig that Ximian/Novell scored - any more? I'm putting
together a talk about GNOME in Government for presentation at an LCA mini
conf, and will be writing it to be useful for everyone. :-)

Another list I'm cooking up... Which ISVs out there are supporting fd.o or
GNOME standards/guidelines? Here's a quick starter list (thanks to the
denizens of #gnome-hackers for their help):

 * Codeweavers (emulation product integrates very nicely)
 * vmware (their next release will use GTK+ and rumours suggest it's HIGgy
   to the max)
 * Real (helix on Linux is GTK+ and relatively HIGgy)
 * ("Q")
 * Firefox
 * Eclipse
 * Sun Java

Suggestions welcome. :-)

- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia      
   "If the Internet really wanted to become sentient, it probably could."
                               - Raph Levien

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