Re: Linux Journal Awards


Jeff Waugh wrote:
  "For several years now, KDE and GNOME have finished first and second,
  respectively, with an ever-increasing distance between the two. This year,
  KDE received two votes for every one GNOME received."

We may joke about geeks voting on website polls, but these are our padawan
proto-hackers, the footsoldiers of guerilla marketing, and sirens of word of
mouth recommendation. We would do well to have them on our side. I would
rate this as our highest marketing (and development!) priority of the year.

So - assuming that my theory that the two biggest markets for
GNOME will be public administrations and early adopters is
correct (see for 
my comments on this), we're in agreement about one of the target
audiences of any GNOME marketing. So - how do we get to them?
Word-of-mouth? If so, how does one go about seeding a groundswell

Do we have to start posting on slashdot? :) 

What I'm getting at is, sure it'd be nice to have the Linux
crowd, student comp.sci; students and all of the other groups to
like us, but so far our guerilla marketing schemes center around:

1) Getting posters, and having a GNOME presence at LUG
2) Getting university computer groups to start giving away GNOME
3) start loading online polls ;)

The LiveCD seems to be coming along, Sebastien's been working on
some posters, user groups are auto-organising all over the place.

What do you think we should do to start getting a groundswell
buzz? Start shouting about cool stuff happenning in GNOME?
Posting news articles about new cool stuff every now and again?
Planet GNOME has been our #1 marketing mechanism for the past 2
years. How can we improve on that?


        David Neary,
        Lyon, France
   E-Mail: bolsh gimp org

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