Re: Best Format for amendments to Live CD Docs ?

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 00:42:35 +0000, Stuart Ellis <s ellis fastmail co uk> wrote:
The documents included didn't exactly bowl me over, and
for new users who aren't interested in development and don't feel the
vibe, it's probably even worse for them.

By the way, this comment wasn't really about the content... I'm just
jaded from feeling that I've read every single document about open
source that's been published over the last few years.
Reliability, security, cost and freedom arguments do seem to have lost
some of their bite these days, one way and another...  In the revised
"Project Overview" document I sent Luis to look at I pretty much pushed
usability to the top, partly because it is a strong feature, and partly
to poke the reader in the eye with something they might not have seen
before - the idea of Linux and usability going together is probably
rather startling to most people.
FWIW, when talking to people in person at conferences like LWE, the
usability argument is always what blows their mind- 'we're trying to
make it simple' makes people very excited. So generally, this is
always our strongest point; I probably didn't make that clear enough
in the first draft.

I'm really pressed for time (LWE is killing me, though I love it) so I
haven't read all the way through Steven's draft, but I've uploaded it
to for others
to peruse/edit/comment on.

Thanks for the effort, Steven- I hope this keeps the ball rolling.

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