Re: GNOME Journal..


Hmmm, interesting idea to incorporate money into this.  Though I am
leary to do that, that's not to say it couldn't be done in a manner that
aids in further production of the GNOME Journal and development of
GNOME.  I agree though, I would love to see more and more core GNOME
hackers writing articles for the GNOME Journal.  That is a big way to
show off what GNOME really can do and it's also a good way to get the
developers to *document* their work too.

While you could potentially do a subscription service like LWN, I think
it's *way* too early to think about this. Our news should be completely
free to everyone who wants to read it [1] - we're not yet at the stage
of assuming everyone is using our desktop :)


[1] And I'm hoping its authors have continuing motivation and enthusiasm
    - you're doing a great job ;)

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