Re: slogans [was Re: College outreach?]

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 20:34:40 +0100, David Neary <dneary free fr> wrote:

Luis Villa wrote:
Big picture, after some thought a couple days after our IRC meeting, I
want to use 'GNOME: the desktop of choice.' I think the 'my desktop of
choice' was a good start, but I think some of our strongest marketing
points are not about personal choices, but rather the depth of our
community, our top-level corporate support, our ease of use, our
accessibility, etc.  I think these are better served by using 'the
desktop of choice'- 'my' limits it to things I think, I want, etc.,
when we want to focus on how gnome is /the/ desktop for... foo, bar,
baz, usability, a11y, spain, brazil, sun, redhat, novell, etc.


I like "the desktop of choice". Do you see that as a replacement
for, or a compliment to, the "GNOME: Software for everybody"

Probably a replacement for? But I'm flexible. 'Choice' can imply that
the software is for everyone.


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