Re: Will GNOME 2.12 Release Notes Include (User) Screenshots?

On 25 Aug 2005, at 6:47 am, Murray Cumming wrote:

Nigel Tao wrote:
Hi. I hear that you're a little busy right now, but I was wondering if the 2.12 release notes will feature user (rather than official "this is
what the new Nautilus looks like") screenshots, as 2.8 did: screenshots/html/index.html
The 2.10 release notes didn't have them, and I was wondering if that  
for a particular reason, or if it was just nobody got around to
organizing it (and are there then a volunteer's shoes to fill)?
Yes, it was just a lack of time. CCing marketing-list, in case someone
else has thought about it for 2.12 already. It'd be great if you took
charge of this.

The release notes probably wouldn't mention them, but they'd be linked
from the 2.12 page.

I was thinking of just starting a page on - would that
fly?  Or would it be better for me to throw it over to
I'm not sure what's the best place for them. I guess that
couldn't handle the traffic. Someone else might have a better idea.

I've had a request from Vincent Untz for a screenshots section at for exactly this purpose. We're already looking into  
implementing it, and hopefully it will be ready for the release of  

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