Re: another mild call for volunteers [was Re: made some release notes 'splash' changes]

On 8/28/05, Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org> wrote:
<quote who="Luis Villa"> (or maybe or ?)
Should contain links to/brief explanation of: liveCD, davyd's footware,
list of sites like
building from tarballs with garnome, and finally building from CVS with

Two comments:

 a) Please use /start/ which is intended for this - no more mess!

Start and the release notes are a mess exactly because we are cramming
all these different, mostly unrelated functions into it- installation,
background information (which should mostly be in about/), release
notes, platform information, etc., etc. into it. Splitting out things
that aren't version dependent (like installation/download and
application information) and then linking to them will make it all
much cleaner, IMHO.


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