Re: made some release notes 'splash' changes

<quote who="Luis Villa">

If someone could proof/comment, I'd appreciate it.

 * remove "Desktop and Platform" from the heading and para 1, because we
   ship more than the desktop and platform, and calling the whole thing
   "GNOME X" a stronger message of coherency.

 * remote "providing... work done" -> we provide more than that, and our
   users aren't "average". ;-) If you want to keep this sentence, perhaps
   change it to something in the second person, "all the tools you need..."

 * <ul> for release notes languages?

 * would be good to put the press release and community announcement up the
   top, and remove the icky "people who actually did the work" bit.

 * <ul> for press release languages?

- Jeff

-- 2006: Dunedin, New Zealand     
  "We live in a place where policy discussion is conducted with money." -
                                Eben Moglen

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