Re: [gnome-love] writer/interviewer wanted- article suggestion for next gnome-journal

On 8/26/05, Julien Gilli <julien gilli gmail com> wrote:
On 8/26/05, Luis Villa <luis villa gmail com> wrote:
Anyone else interested in splitting these?

I am, can you send me all the required information to work on this please ?

Since there are two of you, I'd suggest:

Tthe two of you split the list somehow (maybe just first six, last
six?) and agree on a list of questions. The obvious questions I'd
suggest would be:

* 'does the project still match the initial plan? why or why not?'
Don't ask about what the project is; you already know that from the
wiki, so you can summarize that yourselves.
* 'did you enjoy the summer?'
* 'will you keep hacking on this project or GNOME after this is done?'
* 'any funny or interesting anecdotes?'

Then email the hackers (maybe cc'ing their mentors and me?) and wait
24-48 hours for responses, nagging them after that, and then start
writing. Sound reasonable to you too? Keep in mind the size limit
Claus mentioned- if we end up with 10 of these, none can be longer
than 150-200 words (keeping in mind the need to write an introduction)
unless you work with the g-j folks to split it up somehow.

Also, both of you will have some hackers who don't respond to the
emails (still waiting for seth or jrb to give us a ballpark as to how
many people this might be). There is at least one person who has
emailed me privately suggesting that there were non-GNOME-sponsored
projects that are still relevant (in this case language bindings), so
if you find that several of your people aren't responding, let me know
and I can put you in touch with this
not-GNOME-sponsored-but-basically-GNOME-anyway summer hacker :)

Is that clear? Let me know-

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