Re: 2.12 Release Notes

Hi Andreas,

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not a fan of the splash.

It doesn't really convey that there's been a release, and there's no
sense of excitement about it. If you weren't familiar with GNOME, you
wouldn't know that the splash is talking about our latest greatest
software, and you wouldn't know that we're really proud of it.

Sorry to be so negative with no ideas on what would be better.


Andreas Nilsson a écrit :
Murray Cumming wrote:

I've done most of the text for the release notes, in gnomeweb-wml:
I've been a bit rushed, so the text is less than perfect. I don't expect
to have much time for this after Monday and for the next few weeks.
This is for the frontpage.
- Andreas
David Neary
bolsh gimp org

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