Re: marketing-list Digest, Vol 12, Issue 6

On 8/8/05, Andreas Nilsson <nisses mail home se> wrote:
Luis Villa wrote:

On 8/8/05, Andreas Nilsson <nisses mail home se> wrote:

Nothing wrong with something to
choose from though, so I would love to see some stuff by YetZero.
Something that I feel we need is more posters for people to put up on
universites and for booths at conferences and events.

Totally! And I still owe you a first draft of some poster text :/


Are you working on that?

It is on my TODO, which is getting longer, not shorter :/ But I'm going to try.

I'm really glad to hear! I was a bit worried there for a while that
noone would volunteer and that I would have to write it myself in with
my limited knowledge of the english language.
Here is a png image of the poster if you need some inspiration:

Fun :)

I'm already working on some wallpaper-splash theme, and I can do the
poster if you like, but I would need the text written. Also, I can
make the CD cover if it's not made yet. I just need the texts.

Maybe not so offtopic, is there any theme on the meaning of "mood"
about this release? Maybe we could use it to give the whole artwork
the same mood, I don't know if it's already done, or if the "The
official desktop of happy people" is exactly what I'm talking about.
Hope I'm not too confusing, this english thing is really dificult to
me, sorry :D
-Luis Santander

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