Re: Linux Journal Awards

So either KDE is simply more popular, KDE folks are better organized, or
the type of user who chooses KDE is the type who frequents web sites
like those.

What we know for certain is that all the government and corporate GNOME
installations aren't represented in these polls.

Or in other words, "What Luis said."

Why don't we make an effort to publicize future polls so at least all
the GNOME guys can vote, if they want to?


On Sun, 2004-10-31 at 20:09 +0100, Claus Schwarm wrote:
Some additional stats and quick surveys:

1.),  started 2001-09-09

"Gnome or KDE"

KDE      70     64.00%
Gnome    39     35.00%
Total   109    100.00%

2.), started 2002-05-21

"KDE vs. Gnome vs. ??"

KDE               38   56.72%
Gnome             18   26.87%
Something Else    11   16.42%
Total             67  100.00%

3.) 2003, started 11-15-2003:

"Desktop of the year"

KDE      627  55.93%
Gnome    339  30.24%
XFCE     121  10.79%
GNUstep   18   1.61%
Ximian    16   1.43%
Total   1121 100.00%

4.), started 2004-10-27:

"Which desktop do you use most?"

KDE 3.3      26   39.39%
Older KDE    18   27.27%
GNOME 2.8     6    9.09%
Older GNOME   5    7.58%
Other        10   15.15%
None!         1    1.52%
Total:      66   100.00%

5.) Quick survey from, accessed 2004-10-31

"My window manager is..."

KDE                   46%
GNOME                 25%
Something lighter     12%
CLI                    1%
(ahem) from Microsoft  9%
Other                  7%
Total                100%

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