Re: Getting some marketing love going..


Quoting Claus Schwarm <c schwarm gmx net>:
I have also collected some web adresses for 2.). A sort of 'informal'
research what prevents governments from switching to Linux (i.e. what it
would be needed to make them consider Linux and GNOME) would do for the
beginning. Are you willing to do this and then organize the next
steps? Would be cool. :D

OK, now we're getting down to brass tacks :)

What kind of 'informal' survey are we talking about? What is the target group
for the survey? How do I get a list of the IT decision makers in governments
and government departments?

Presumably, if we have a strategy for getting that information, and a same
survey that we can send out to those representatives, we can have a nice little
sample. Ideally, if we define a strategy centrally, it's just (!) a matter of
getting local representatives to (1) translate the survey and (2) gather the
relevant addresses, send the survey, and send the responses back to a central

This is all assuming that a telephone or postal survey is a good way to go on

So this task splits nicely into 2 sub-tasks, coming up with a survey we can use,
and getting the database of addresses to seed it. I don't know how to go about
the second, and I have never studied marketing, so I don't know how to design
an unskewed survey (although I would be more than happy to spend time coming up
with a first draft, given some guidelines). I have studied maths, though, and
could certainly help with the analysis of the survey's results.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France

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