Re: Linux Desktop Summit

Yes, I believe there was some bad history there with Ximian cancelling 
because the whole conference was really about "Lindows" rather than Linux 
Desktops.  So, yes I suppose we should approach this with a grain of salt.  

Others might remember the whole thing better than me.  But point well 


Folks, if this thing is run by the Lindows folks, be *very* careful.

My experience with this thing, if it is indeed the same meeting, 
left an amazingly sour taste in my mouth.
                                  - Jim

On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 18:47, Sri Ramkrishna wrote:

Thanks for the follow up.

Should I put something out in Gnome Summary?  Apparently we have a lot of 
eager people out there who do want to help.  I asked for web developers 
and I got 11 who volunteered.   It might be a good bet to get people in 
the LA area to organize something.


On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, Leslie Proctor wrote:

Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 15:37:30 -0800 (PST)
From: Leslie Proctor <proctors pacbell net>
To: Sri Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com>, gnome-marketing gnome org
Cc: board-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Linux Desktop Summit

Hi Sri:

I've contacted them to see if they'd be willing to
donate a booth to us.  Am awaiting an answer.

The Call for Speakers is open and I'd encourage
everyone who could be at the conference to submit a
speaker proposal.  It's on the web site under "Speaker
Registration"  The deadline is April 2nd -'s always better to get in early than to
push the deadline.  The choice speaking slots go fast.

Anyone submitting:  It would be nice to let the list
know when you submit and what subject you proposed.

Leslie Proctor

--- Sri Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com> wrote:
Is anybody going there representing GNOME?


gnome-marketing mailing list
gnome-marketing gnome org

Jim Gettys <Jim Gettys hp com>
HP Labs, Cambridge Research Laboratory

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