Some poster ideas

I finally got around to designing and uploading a few posters. You can have look at (there's more there than just the posters; look at *_A0.pdf). If you don't feel like downloading a bunch of huge (in points, not bytes) posters, you can always read this blog entry[1] instead.

They are all A0 posters which is a pretty big format. Resizing them to any other A-series size should work fine though. They are also all black and white which should make them cheap to print.

Simple_Poster_Fancy_Logo_A0.pdf, and
... all belong to one category. They are plain and should be considered "identity posters." They say "hey, look over here, GNOME stuff!" and not much else. They should be helpful to establish some basic presence at a booth or in a conference room.

Simple_Poster_Ruled_A0.pdf was created with the idea that there are always ad hoc things that have to be communicated (GNOME t-shirt prices, last minute room changes, presentation schedules, etc.) so why not do it on "official" ;-) GNOME paper. It's "tangential."

A_Gentlemans_Desktop_A0.pdf, and
... are personal creations and hopefully inspirational pieces for more and better posters.

I suppose the issue of using the GNOME logo will resurface but I'm confident it can be sorted out.


Sebastien Biot -
         "mus in pice"

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