I'm new to Ekiga. I am following the Ekiga Configuration
Assistant to set up an Ekiga.net Account (step 4 of 9). I am in
the UK. The link to 'Get an Ekiga.net SIP account' attempts to go to https://ekiga.im/ to which I am unable to connect: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ekiga.im. Attempts to get to http://ekiga.im/ result in the same. Attempts to get to http://ekiga.net/ result in the same. Attempts to get to https://ekiga.net/ result in a message that the site is configured incorrectly:
While over-riding the certificate failure might sometimes be considered acceptable, that seems the wrong thing to do for communications software, or when creating an account. Is there a good way to sign up for an Ekiga account? Is there an update to the software. Douglas Milnes.