To unsubscribe, follow the link at the bottom of each email: Then click on Unsubscribe after having provided your email.
To remove the icon, simply uninstall the software.
Le jeudi 29 novembre 2018 à 12:35 +0100, Richard Ayres a écrit :
Not only can I not unsubscribe from your list, I keep getting unsubscribe emails from other "victims".
To add insult to injury, I cannot remove the ekiga launch icon from my toolbar. I have not found any linux softphone program that actually works but this has been the most problematic.
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 at 10:49 AM
From: "Damien Sandras" <dsandras seconix com>
To: "Ekiga mailing list" <ekiga-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: [Ekiga-list] Please unsubscribe ne
If it is filling your INBOX, there might be a problem, there is barely 1 mail per month...
Le mercredi 28 novembre 2018 à 02:52 +0300, AlirezaTaghavi via ekiga-list a écrit :
ekiga is like hotel california, once you check in you can never leave. actually even if you want to leave just like their buggy bullshit software their mailing list also sucks and you cannot unsbscribe
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ekiga-list gnome org
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