Re: [Ekiga-list] Mystery

Am 2018-12-09 um 12:10 schrieb yxcv vienna at:
Due to the lack of time, and to the last outages, I have taken the
decision to discontinue EKIGA.NET before the end of the year.

what about to get a sip address from now on
There are other free SIP service providers, for example

How can one use ekiga or is the project dead?
The source code of ekiga is still available, but not developed
further since quite some time.

What is
This is the website of the ekiga _software/project_.

What is I cannot reach.
I think it was the same as (the website of the ekiga _SIP
service_), but don't nail me down on that. :-)

Have I to use linphonec?Linphone (the software) is certainly an alternative for Ekiga nowadays.
Under GNOME you could also use Empathy, IIRC.


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