Re: [Ekiga-list] problems

On 05/11/15 00:31, VeryMary L wrote:
maybe the screenshot was too big so I'll write: please could you help me with Ekiga which is not running anymore as 
this message appears when I open it? "Ekiga did not manage to configure your network settings automatically. You 
can still use it, but you need to configure your network setting manually" which is not true, because I tried to 
configure it but my account can't register anymore

This means that the network (for ex. your router) does some changes that Ekiga cannot cope. Look at, symmetric nat part.

You said that Ekiga worked before. Are you sure? I suppose that the network has not changed recently...

Finally, try checking on or off in Preferences->General->GeneralSettings->Network detection, and restart ekiga and see if it works.


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