Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga microphone problem Linux Mint

Hi Michael

Mate (on Fedora 19, here) has problems with audio set up at the moment - a pity because it was working a few months ago - try switching to, say, Cinnamon and setting the audio through there - slow and clunky as it is Cinnamon does allow the audio devices to be changed.
My experience, anyway.


On 29 January 2015 at 09:54, Micheal Johnson <micheal65536 gmail com> wrote:

I'm having a problem with setting up Ekiga under Linux Mint 17 64-bit MATE Edition. The problem is that the sound from my audio input is being played back through my own audio output.

The problem is most certainly not caused by bad acoustic setup on the other person's end of the call because I muted the other person's speakers and the problem still occurred. I've also tried muting all input-related controls in alsamixer, pavucontrol and mate-volume-control, but either the problem persists or my audio input gets turned off completely (i.e. the recipient can't hear me either).

I really don't know what could be causing this, and it has never happened before with other programs that use the audio input.



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